Our Current Leadership & Staff Team

Current Leadership Team

Clive and Hilda Sherwood

Clive and Hilda have been a part of Bognor Vineyard for about 17 years.  They have 3 grown-up children and now 3 amazing grandkids.  They work in business and the charity sector and love seeing God at work in those places as well as in our lovely church.  They love walking, theatre, sport (mainly watching these days!) and a sneaky coffee at the Lobster Pot.

Nick & Tracey Carr

Tracey & Nick live in Felpham with their son Jacob. Nick works as a psychotherapist and Tracey is a primary school teacher. Tracey has a keen interest in prayer and prophesy within the church and Nick has a passion for worship and for leading congregational worship. Both Nick and Tracey are committed to and excited at seeing God moving through us, keeping Jesus at the centre.

Ali Finniear

I'm Alison and I've been going to Vineyard for the last 23 years. I'm married to Kevin and have five children and one grandchild and we are also foster carers. We used to foster teenagers but now foster babies and toddlers and have been fostering for the last 18 years. 

We also set up YOB Camp, a kids camp for 8-12 year olds which has been running for over 13 years. This is now being run by our son Charlie, and two others, all of whom were originally YOBs, progressed to being young leaders and are now in charge.  It has been amazing to be involved with, and see, children and young people in Bognor come to know Jesus and develop their faith and then become leaders themselves. 

I love Jesus and I love our Church family.


  • Gaby Sartin (Co-Chair)

  • Jopie Reeves (Co-Chair)

  • Kevin Finniear

  • Lisa Van Driel