
At Bognor Vineyard Church, we take our duties to protect each other very seriously especially in areas such as safeguarding, privacy, finances, and health & safety. This page includes a few of our policies you may want to know about. If you want to know about any others not shown here, please contact us through the Contact page.


The safeguarding of our children, young people and vulnerable adults is one of those areas that we take especially seriously. Those who work and volunteer with them or are involved in safeguarding positions undergo Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and receive all the required training and updates.

Our Safeguarding Co-Ordinator (SC) at Bognor Vineyard is Gaby Sartin, who is supported by Mickey Earle, our Deputy Safeguarding Co-Ordinator (DSC). Both will be very pleased to discuss any safeguarding matters with you and can be reached via the Church Office (01243 861113 or office@bognorvineyard.org.uk) or they can be reached directly (via ChurchSuite).

If someone is in immediate danger call 999

Children at risk of harm

To raise a concern about children & young people, please call West Sussex Children Services:

If you are unsure what support you require or have an urgent safeguarding concern that requires a same day response, phone: 01403 229900 (Monday-Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm).

For out of hours enquiries, including weekends and bank holidays, contact the Emergency Duty Team on 033 022 26664.

Adults at risk of harm

If you think someone vulnerable is experiencing, or at risk of being abused or neglected, please raise a safeguarding referral via the online form

If you wish to discuss your concern, please phone: 01243 642121.

Emergencies Only - To report an urgent concern that requires a same day response, call the Adult Social Care out of hours manager on 033 022 27007.

Emotional wellbeing or mental health concerns

To request support for a child or young person, use the West Sussex Single Point of Access (SPoA).

Support for people affected by domestic abuse

My Sisters’ House Women’s Centre

Works with women to improve their welfare and wellbeing, reduce their risk of domestic abuse and support recovery, and help them reach their goals for employment, education or training.

  • office@mysistershouse.info

  • 01243 697800

WORTH Specialist Domestic Abuse Service

supports people at high risk of harm or homicide as a result of domestic abuse. If you would like support, or to refer someone for support, please contact them on:

Further safeguarding related information and policies can be found here:

West Sussex Safeguarding Children Partnership (SCP)

West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board

Bognor Vineyard Safeguarding Statement

Other Policies and information

Privacy Notice

At Bognor Vineyard, we take your privacy very seriously and are committed to keeping any information about you safe. We ensure that your personal data is processed fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is not held for longer than necessary. This Privacy notice tells you simply, how and why we do this.

Accessibility Statement

Bognor Vineyard is committed to providing a website that is accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of ability or technology available.

Cookies Policy

Bognor Vineyard’s website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site. Our policy explains what cookies we use, and how to block them if wanted.