Jesus Loves the Hurting

It’s amazing enough that Jesus healed so many people during his years of ministry, but it’s astounding how well he loved people when he healed them. Jesus didn’t interview people to determine their level of righteousness or their theological understanding - he simply healed those who came to him. He didn’t turn away outsiders like the Roman centurion (Matthew 8:5-13) or the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21-28) who came to him advocating for others, but publicly praised them for their faith. Before healing a paralysed man he proclaimed his sins forgiven (Matthew 9:1-8), and after healing a woman with an issue of blood, he called her ‘daughter’ and told her ‘Go in peace and be freed from your suffering’ (Mark 5:25-34). He crossed a lake to heal a man with a legion of demons (Mark 5:1-20) and even healed the ear of a man who was injured when he came to arrest Jesus (Luke 22:50-51).


Comforting the Grieving


Making More Room for God